DC Residents in the BOP

DC Residents in the BOP

August 7, 2020

This has been a busy week. Today, I attended the ReThink Justice monthly meeting. At the meeting a representative of Council for Court Excellence (CCE) disclosed the results of a survey of DC residents in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).  Here are some of the statistics:

Who was at the BOP on July 4?  3221 DC Code offenders

Demographics: Sex                      Race

                               Female.   71             American-Indian.    2

                               Male.    3150            Asian                     6

                                                              Black                3078

                                                              White                  135

Top Charge & Security Level

Charge                                 Number

Homicide/Aggravated Assault.     1612

Robbery                                       429

Sex Offenses                                 324

Violation of Spv/Parole                   323

Drugs                                             35

Misc                                               33

Who is Coming Home?

1,042 DC Code offenders have release dates within 24 months.  

The full report with analysis has not been released yet. When it is posted on the CCE website, I will let you know and post the link.

Some Preliminary Observations

Most DC residents who are in the BOP have been convicted of a violent crime: homicide, aggravated assault, or robbery. Most DC residents in the BOP are black. If you want to see what mass incarceration means to the African-American community, just look at the demographics: the overwhelming percentage of people in prison are black men. If we want to reduce the number of black men in prison, then we as a society have to shorten prison sentences and invigorate parole. This means that people who have committed a violent crime should not be in prison for 30-50 years. It means helping people who have committed a violent crime make amends through a restorative justice program. It means ending the daily racial humiliations that black people too often experience in this country.