Maryland Sample Letters

Sample Letter to Members of Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee


Dear Senator____________:

I am writing you in support of Senate Bill__________________(to be supplied), which mandates that, the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services report quarterly on the number of prisoners in segregation in Maryland prisons.

We need regular accurate information on segregation in order to reduce the number of prisoners in segregation and to reduce their length of stay.  By reducing the number of prisoners in segregation and shortening their length of stay, resources can be then diverted to strengthening mental health services and improving educational opportunities.  



Sample Letter to Members of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Delegates


Dear Delegate_______________

I am writing you in support of House of Delegate Bill__________________(to be supplied), which mandates that, the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services report quarterly on the number of prisoners in segregation in Maryland prisons.

We need regular accurate information on segregation in order to reduce the number of prisoners in segregation and to reduce their length of stay.  By reducing the number of prisoners in segregation and shortening their length of stay, resources can be then diverted to strengthening mental health services and improving educational opportunities.  
